Edie LEWIS "The Salsafreak"
editor in chief: The Salsaweb
The caliber of instruction by Enio Cordoba and his partner Terryl Jones is unparalleled. Both teach at the Let’s Dance Studio in Alhambra, California, and have a student base numbering the thousands. Holding classes virtually 7 days a week, the Let’s Dance studio has some of the largest dance classes in Southern California.
It’s a rarity to catch them outside of their busy studio for a non-interrupted conversation, but I had that opportunity just a few weeks ago. They are both very down to earth, and genuinely nice people, who deeply care about the business and their students.
Enio and Terryl have a dance and training background that is to die for. Both have taught and trained with some of the top names in the industry. “Enio and Terryl” have become household names with dancers and instructors from all over the world, who are eager to take their popular techniques classes, and instructor-training courses.I have known Enio and Terryl for quite some time, and have had the opportunity of dancing both with Enio, and some of their students. Having been in the Salsa community now for a number of years, and taken classes from some of the best instructors in the world, I can often guess who’s been trained by whom. I can always tell an Enio & Terryl- trained student. Whenever I run across one, it’s always a treat dancing with them. Each has a sharp, exciting, and refined lead,with a taste of ballroom, and a mouthful of Latin flavor.
Enio and Terryl’s specialty is dancing to the music, which is a an entirely different level of education, very difficult to find. Their methods take dance to an entirely different level. This highly professional way of leading can be tricky to follow if you’re always trying to force your basic count and step on the leader. I’ve tried it, and it doesn’t work. What works is hesitating just a bit, and waiting for him. What works is listening to the music. What works is NOT THINKING, letting go, and just enjoying the ride! It’s passionate and fiery, soothing and crystal. Trust me, it will ROCK YOUR WORLD!! Ladies, expect WHATEVER from these leads; wait for the guy, and and let HIM lead YOU. You never know what to expect. His moves are precise and fast. He plays and uses the music as his lead…
not necessarily the methodic underlying rhythms and counts. He’ll hesitate, then speed you sharply into a turn, hesitating again for a brief second, just long enough to pick up the next phrase or hit of the song EXACTLY where it’s supposed to be. To the Enio & Terryl – trained dancer, the basic rhythm is outlined, but the music is what is important.
It’s not often one has the opportunity to take a beginner class from two world-class Masters. I was rather shocked that they were asked to teach beginners at the West Coast Salsa Congress last May. It was for this reason I stayed. I was compelled to see exactly how they taught a beginner class, and was very impressed with their thoroughness, clarity, and simplicity. I watched in amazement as they spoke of keeping your dancing tight, and in a circle, rather than the broader slot approach (which is what I used to teach all the time – until I took their class). They taught beginners the foundations of pivots (a highly technical move normally taught to advanced students) and taught what is called a Rotating Cross Body Lead, “keeping it close in a tight situation”. They explained that the popularity of Salsa has grown so much, that it is has become increasingly difficult to find ample space at clubs to execute typical (slotbased) cross-body leads.
They had a tag-team approach to teaching that was both comical and fascinating at the same time. You can tell they love working together; they make a fabulous team. During their beginner workshop, they shy’d away from the typically-taught “basics and timing”. Instead, they taught physics, the mechanics of body movement, momentum and motion, speed, and control. This fascinated me. I’d never seen a beginners workshop like this before. Physics. The mechanics of body movement and momentum. Taught to Beginners. It all made perfect sense to me. It all clicked in an amazing way. After I saw, and experienced their class, I believe this type of training should be recommended training for all beginners up front, so they don’t develop bad habits, and can progress more rapidly. Beginners as well as advanced Salseros need to be trained this way. The reasons “why” a movement is executed, understanding the momentum concept, how pivots can help a lead, what type of speed should be applied, and where the follower’s body is placed are all vital to a solid, professional lead.
Edie Lewis- The Salsa Freak
Editor in Chief of Salsa Web
April 29, 2012

Sharon Savoy
3x World Theatre Arts Champion
If anyone needs info about running a dance studio you couldn't go to a more knowledgeable source than Enio! Best wishes Enio on your new business endeavor!

Ron Montez
7x US Latin Champion
"I have known Enio for over 2 decades(*editors adjustment- 45 years!) and Terryl as well for many years. In this time I have witnessed both of them in action in several areas Including: 1. Dance Instruction. 2. Dance performance. 3. Business Ventures including studio operation. 4. Event hosting and organization, (cruises and various social events). 5. General professionalism and customer service. In all these areas Enio and Terryl have demonstrated superior skill and and talent. These two professionals have a unique ability to connect, relate and entertain groups and audiences they are hired to teach and/or perform for. All participants are guaranteed a rewarding experience, in short, a good time! I don’t hesitate to recommend Enio and Terryl To any studio seeking to increase the size of its client base and to train the staff to better perform their duties. Overall wherever they go These two dance celebrities create excitement, fun and a positive environment. I have often sought out Enio for advice on music, dance and marketing and never been disappointed. It’s also important to recognize their solid integrity in all their endeavors. They are trusted friends and will go beyond the norm to make any event a success. Ron Montez”

Michelle Hafle
Latin Pro & Studio Owner
"Enio is a very special person for me, he’s almost like my dance dad but I honestly feel so very connected with him because had it not been for Enio, I would never had done Latin dancing, I would never met Sergey, and we would never have Studio 22. Terryl is also like my dance sister (she’s too hot to be my dance mom)… Back then they were like dance parents- they loved me, they took me in, they showed me what is was like to be inclusive of all styles, they really set great examples for me, and therefore we took those examples and we brought them here to Studio 22. They are such a great part of the Studio. The studio is largely a part of their vision as well, we love them very much, we are so happy that they decided to leave California and join us here in Texas.”

Valdas Padriezas
Lithuanian Standard Pro & Westmor Studio Owner
"Enio is very well-rounded in knowledge of the dance studio business. He consults people on various aspects of the business, while keeping in mind the uniqueness that each studio has to offer, which allows for a more tailored approach when developing a business such as this. His expertise has been tremendously helpful and his unlimited support has been exceptional. Thank you, Enio, for all of your help and guidance. You are very much appreciated!”

Victor Veyrasset
10x US Standard Champion
"Congratulations Terryl and Enio on your studio consulting business. Having been at your studio and nightclub many times and seeing the large number of people in classes and at the nightclub, I know your experience will help any person seeking help and guidance in this endeavor. Best of luck!!”

Andrew Winett
Las Vegas Pro
"A couple of the absolute best teachers, Enio Cordoba and his beautiful wife Terryl are Amazing. I had the pleasure of taking a seminar with them on how to build, not just a great group class, but a community, and a family of people who love to dance. If you get the chance, I absolutely recommend you go and experience this. No bullshit, no con, real people giving back and succeeding.”

Sandy Hess
US Ice Dance Champion & Coach
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your knowledge and expertise with us- Sandy Hess & the US Olympic Committee

Ruxanda Calistru
Moldovian Pro
This evening at Club One studio it was one of the best trainings in dance business that I have ever had. Enio Cordoba- an amazing business man and coach!

In 2012 as we were departing Alhambra, several students organized a surprise tribute for us. Speaking is LA Fire Chief Ralph Ramirez. 120 of the students signed the following testimonial:
For your exemplary teaching and support of your Dance Students for the past 31 years. Thank you for teaching us the skills to dance. Your jaw dropping performances left us drooling for more. Your thousands of “Gotchas!” to protect our girls. The special memories of your wild and zany costumes during the many showcases. Your special relationship with all of us on the dance floor, and most of all, your genuine passion for teaching dance that has changed our lives forever. You both will always be in our hearts and the spirit of our dancing will always point back to you both.
We all have had the opportunity to venture off to other dance schools. But we returned to our home studio of Let’s Dance L.A. where we always felt your welcome.
Your efforts to build our confidence to achieve anything through dance has paid off many times over beginning in April 1988 when you opened Let’s Dance L.A. on Main Street in Alhambra. Since then your patience and support of our dancing journey has been our guiding beacon to achieve our dreams. We cannot say enough about the impact that both of you had on our lives and look forward to many more years benefitting from your wonderful teaching and most importantly, your endearing friendship.
Congratulations and thank you sincerely for your thirty one years of being the best dance teachers of our lifetime and for giving us a studio that you created out of your love for teaching dance-Let’s Dance L.A.
Sincerely all your students

Dr Tony Bui
President & CEO at Visiting Physicians Network- Dallas
Hey Enio, wish you and Terryl the best in Florida , I regret not taking more classes with you and Terryl , My bad. One time I took your group class in salsa, it was like taking a private lesson in a group class… I feel you guys are THAT good as instructors in salsa. So kind and respectful and sooo good Florida has gained what Texas and California loss. You and Terryl. No doubt best salsa teachers I ever had if I based it on 1 lesson. Action speaks louder than words. And I have had my share of teachers I Colombia, Peru, Barcelona and of course Dallas. You and Terryl way to good and talented. It is a genuine compliment. You have no idea. They way you explain things. Wonderful. I will look you and Terryl up if I am even in you area. I love work and I love travel. That’s my life

Roy Tweeboom
Dutch Professional Instructor
Ennio and terryl, for me pound for pound one of the best if not the best dance couple I’ve ever had private lessons from in Haarlem (Holland). Terryl’s explanation of inside and outside turns has helped me sharpen my curriculum even further.Good explanation in those videos

Val Sprott
I am so privileged to have had the benefit of knowing Enio and Terryl both from a personal and professional perspective.
As teachers they are SIMPLY THE BEST. Not only do they have extremely high skills but use those talents to make all their pupils feel special and more importantly give them confidence to stretch themselves.
They are great communicators and are able to slot into any situation and mix with any community. In addition they are wonderful mentors as I know many would testify to.
From a personal point of view they gave me a new lease of life through dancing something I shall always treasure.
Whatever they are involved in they will give their all.

Beth Quijano
Your classes changed my life. I would say it was some of the best times I ever had. You and Terryl made taking the same classes seem fresh every time: your love showed through

Rayna Sorida
Changed my life is an understatement. Changed me, who I am and who around me. Sensei (Enio) and Terryl’s fault? Arigato to god for this encounter. 9/20/2019.

Cheryl Sevold
I have no doubt that you have changed the lives of many people, like me for instance.

David Cortez
Yes, changed me for your insight and the Sarge (Terryl) well for being the sarge. Thank you both. Miss you both for your class , and CLASS when teaching

Sabrina Toston
I personally took salsa classes with Enio Cordoba and Terryl Jones for about 10 years. I met some great people who brought so much joy into my life when I was helping my grandmother in her last days. The dance environment they created was so full of joy and laughter, I always forgot about my problems when I was there. dance is so much more than left foor, right foot, but that is where it starts.
Your classes were always fun. You created a community of dancers that are still dancing. The trips the cruises, life changing. I’m so grateful to you both. Thank You

John Azama/ Yoshi Nori
Dallas, Tokyo, & Peru
I appreciate having you at Studio 22 because you are incredible teachers, awesome dancers and persons and you always are so much fun to watch dancing, You are most definitely and inspiration!

Michelle Kimura
IT Project Manager @ City of Long Beach
In my opinion (after dancing salsa for 13+ years), The Granada nightclub (aka Let’s Dance LA) has been “The Place” for learning salsa, casino rueda, swing, and other ballroom and latin dances for well over a decade. First of all, the atmosphere is welcoming and beautiful because it is an older building and the multiple levels and floors are wonderful! The instruction is amazing as Enio, Terryl, and their staff are not only incredible dancers, but the instruction they provide is THE BEST in Southern California (if not the entire United States or the rest of the world as I have been in Miami, New York, and London)…which is why they have the largest classes! Not only do you learn basics from the beginning, but they teach the men how to provide good lead and teach the women how to respond to a lead which makes for just plain “great dancing.” I which makes for just plain “great dancing.” I love dancing at the Granada on Fridays and Saturdays (even though I have a VIP pass for other downtown LA clubs) because the people that frequent the club are excellent dancers who have been trained by Let’s Dance LA…so the lead feels great and I don’t get jerked around by someone who squeezes me or pulls me off of my feet (especially during a double spin)…It’s wonderful to dance with people who are trained well in dancing as they look out and don’t shove you into other people on the floor (i.e. Let’s Dance LA makes it a point to train the men to protect their “Ferraris” the women) so I feel extremely comfortable even when the floor gets a bit crowded. The Granada (Let’s Dance LA) is truly the place for salseros to dance! Everyone is very friendly and they will ask you to dance even if they don’t know you!
I took salsa lessons from Terry and Enio and they are truly terrific. Not only to they teach extremely well, but they are so funny! What a pleasure to attend their class.
I highly recommend them to you. You will enjoy their classes very much.
Ite Laird,
South Pasadena,CA
You’ve moved so many people’s lives. I’m grateful to have experience a little of your PRESENCE!
Eve Jacquias-Johnson
Til this day people compliment my dancing. They don’t believe me when I say that I only went thr Level 1 lessons. It’s all about Quality not Quantity. Between you and Terryl Jones persisitence to Protect your Lady. I am constantly on the dance floor because Ladies feel protected with me. Thank you
Daniel Ramirez

Teresa Shiry
Palm Springs
US Champion, Judge
You are one of the best pros in the country

The greatest treat I had while working as a Hollywood on camera dancer in LA , was being part of the performance faculty as well as taking Enio”s dance top notch ballroom dance classes. at Let’s Dance LA. The show’s were put on everywhere in So. CA. and the dancers were very close friends since we all grew up dancing along the same path which connected us altogether.. I believe this group to be very blessed by our maker Heavenly Father for my time at Lets Dance was spiritual loving charming energetic and laughter was the norm. My dear friend and ballroom dance fav is Natalie Mavor and I keep the spirit and memories of her and Lets Dance LA close to my heart to this day and forward….
Terryl & Enio rock. Thanks to their beyond awesome dance instruction and beyond awesome patience, I can dance. I’ve danced well enough to have danced in movies like “Atlas Shrugged”, “The Master”, in a White House Tux-call on TV’s “Scandal” and many other shows. These two characters will make you smile. Laugh. Dance.
Break a leg dance students.You’re in good hands…
Denny Dormody
Screen Actors Guild member(IMDB)
Los Angeles
I have taken salsa classes and private lessons with over 20 different instructors and Terryl and Enio are better than them all — by a long shot. Only when I started studying with them did my skills finally reach a new level. Terryl is extremely technical, focusing on which muscles you need to use and when, which way to rotate the bones of your leg or arm, and how your foot should be in contact with the floor. She gives direct and honest feedback. Once you get the hang of it, she’ll even give you a smile! Enio knows all the tricks to make your lead smooth and clear, all while looking good. You will wonder how you ever danced without knowing “elvis the pelvis” and “ta daa” (you’ll see what I mean once you take a lesson!). Their jokes are ridiculous, but you’ll be glad you put up with it, because you and whoever you dance with will be injury free and looking and feeling great.
Julie Tannenbaum
Clicking on this link will take you to a hidden page winning you a special guest pass for your first THREE lessons /guest-card
I have attended Enio and Terryl’s ballroom dances in South Pasadena’s War Memorial Building and thoroughly enjoyed both the instruction and the dancing to well chosen music. Enio, ably assisted by Terryl, whose snide remarks add to the fun, is an excellent teacher, a rare person in the dance world, in which so many people become instructors, thinking that dance expertise will guarantee teaching skill, and we all know that it won’t. Teaching takes place with good humor, efficiency, thorough understanding of concepts being taught, and effectiveness. I especially appreciate Enio’s use of demonstration, carefully planned so that everyone can see, his concise explanations, his dancing with each student, so that both visual and kinesthetic learners know what is going on. His instruction is a refreshing change from the instructors who show a move once, then talk it to death, rendering the lesson useless. Having taken dance lessons of various sorts since 1988, I have a basis for comparison. California’s loss in Texas’ gain!
Mary Gilman
Editor’s Note- reposted from LDLA website,Tony is a highly acclaimed Sports Performance Expert working with professional and elite Olympic level athletes…
I’ve been to more than 100 studios in the past 35 years and LDLA IS THE BEST STUDIO TO LEARN both competitive and social dance skills and applications for club dancing–THERE IS NO PLACE BETTER!! Nobody is even close! Of course, LDLA is one of the nation’s top for Dance Sport as well. Although Enio and I have had our differences of opinion about things–he is often right–I have sent him dozens of students. I am an expert on the psychological, physical and skill training design and instruction for athletic performance and would not want to deprive someone the opportunity, technically and motivationally, to learn under Enio’s methods…
Editors note- reposted from LDLA website.
Dr. Kay Lipton is the Chairperson of the Music Department at Pasadena Community College.
Dear Enio and Terryl:
I want to thank the two of you for the wonderful dance demonstration and class that you gave last week in my Latin American Music class here at Pasadena City College. It was truly thrilling to watch the two of you dance; the class is still talking about it, as are several of my colleagues who wandered in and out. For me it was a particularly great pleasure to watch seasoned professionals who are also terrific teachers, a combination that I find to be increasingly rare.
On behalf of the Music Division here at Pasadena City College I thank you. I know that we all look forward to having you back again soon!
Dr. Kay Lipton
April 29, 2012
Mr. Cordoba,
I have heard wonderful feedback about the workshop that you did with the BYU-Idaho students. Thank you for coming! Your time and expertise are greatly appreciated.Best wishes,
Eva Walburger
Dance Department Office Assistant
Your classes have changed many lives, including mine
-Jennifer Fan
September 9, 1999
To the staff of LDLA: Enio & Terryl, Robert &
Deborah, Natalie, Bridgette, Curtis, Cheryl, Sherry, Gary & Trish, Nini, and Emily;
Thanks for a great summer! The classes were well taught by some great people, and their attitude and passion for the dance rubbed off on me in a very positive way. I used to deplore dancing as boring, mostly because I was taught by non-professionals but now I see what the right people can do for me. The attention to the smallest details, especially in technique and in club safety,’ only serves to increase the awareness of what I am doing and what I can do to correct my mistakes.
Add to all this, the nicest people, all present for the same reason: to learn from the best; and you have a special place that has no peer.
I can’t even begin to describe how I feel, having been given the ability to dance with people whom always I considered good dancers, but was previously unable to because of a lack of skill or motivation.
Additionally, the special events such as the dance exhibition by Gaynor and Mirko, the free-dancing before and after that event, and the Dance Camp (I didn’t have the time for this one but maybe, in the future…) all show the commitment LDLA has to promote the art from many angles. This includes the music- LDLA has introduced to me many different
types of music and how to interpret it, so there’s another example of LDLA’s
multidimensional teaching method. I’ll definitely be sticking around… I can’t think of any other way to say it except, Thanks!
Jay Lee
Albert Torres
Founder LA Salsa Congress
World's #1 Salsa Promoter
Click play button to Listen to Albert